I’m posting this bunch of bullet points as is, otherwise this ain’t going to get posted at all… :-s
I’ve got a photo of my duodenum, but need to find it and scan it…
- Pam, the super efficient ward sister with the excellent bedside manner
- Lesley, the lady with the scanner (radiographer??)
- The good Doctor
- Caroline – who took me
- My Mum, who picked me up
- Admittance into Gastro-enterology
- Own cubicle, cubicle’s own hand wash
- Explanation of choice between
- Throat spray
- Sedation
- Explanation of procedure
- Chose throat spray
- Doctor arrives, I sign disclaimer
- Go into ‘operating room’
- I marvel at the gastroscopy equipment
- Looks like something out The Matrix
- Doctor gives me throat spray
- Bed, turn on my left hand side
- ‘Bit’ to go between my teeth – aargh!
- It’s a plastic thing with a hole big enough to have the ‘camera’ put through it, and so you don’t damage the equipment by biting on it - yeeuch
- Gizmo fed into my mouth
- Deep breathing, steady breathing
- Suction thing like dentists
- Swallow
- Swallow again
- Gizmo into my stomach
- Further down, into duodenum for a look around
- Makes me feel a bit sick
- Air being pumped in makes me burp a lot
- Gizmo used to take samples – duodenum
- Back into stomach for a look see
- Concern because of saliva & breathing
- Back out again
- Thanks heavens!
- Lesley gives me photo
- Recuperation
- 45 minutes after spray
- Mum comes to collect
- Rather tired last night
- Have a sore throat today – unsurprisingly. Rather like a ‘sore throat’ caused by illness.
Initial test results
The biopsy taken from my duodenum was put into some ‘agar jelly’ containing lactose, along with a colour indicator. Apparently those with lactose intolerances normally turn the indicator a sky blue colour. I managed to turn it navy blue, which means a severe lactose intolerance.
The good Doctor also mentioned I have mild gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (apparently). Although looking at the symptoms, I don’t seem to suffer from this…
Results of blood test? Need to recall / check documentation
- Would have been good to have some kind of hand signals to communicate
- Lack of control
- Anxiety over pipe in mouth, & breathing
- Throat spray vs. sedation
Deep joy – not.