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A quick note to say that I've set up my Business blog, to be able to speak with a clear voice on both personal and work issues (i.e. by having separate blogs).

Monday, 5 December 2011

#Movember monkey's tail update, & ‘Mo Down’ - please donate!


Previous posts (Movember: please help raise money to combat men’s cancers & Movember Shave-down) have explained how I am raising money to combat, and raise awareness about, men’s cancers such as prostate and testicular ones.
This post is to bring everyone bang up to date, and sign off by encouraging you to keep giving using this link please!

Becoming Jimmy Hill

Those of you with strong constitutions may wish to check out my scary Dr Who-like regeneration into Jimmy Hill below.
There are three sets of photos in this Flickr slideshow – basically the two last weekends in November, and in fact the final shots are before and after the epic trim yesterday. I hadn’t realise quite how long the Movember monkey’s tail had become!
Apologies due to Jimmy – I’ve always thought actually he’s a really decent bloke (as his Wikipedia profile attests) :-)

Lady Greys bar Mo Down

To finish off the Movember movement in style, us Lady Grey’s bar team members gathered for a drink this past Wednesday. At the bottom of this post, you should find a widget with the results.
Not particularly wanting to see myself without my normal facial hair, I gave myself a two week run-up without trimming my beard, so that I’d have something to talk about from the off! I’d actually opted out of the competition because I chose to start not clean-shaven…
Highlights from these photos include Cameron, who reminded me of Ron Mael from Sparks, but I think that’s probably wrong (although any suggestions gratefully received!). Also, Peter – who had to have his fluff enhanced with mascara [not sure where that came from…!].
To cap it all, there’s James with the wrap-around ‘tache, with a roundel at the back reminding me of that geezer with the thing on his forehead, from Stargate SG-1.
At the time of writing, our team has raised £458, so I’m hoping to boost this through further donations! Thank you :-D