Yesterday I went to a demo of Zingthing, a tool to help workshop facilitators bring together the input from workshop participants.
Carol and Catherine - good people from CPCR - gave Kate & Caroline (from The Bridge Club), and myself a keyboard each and we were able to test-drive it.
"The Zingthing 3.0 software is a specialised meeting system to support organisation-wide knowledge creation, fast implementation of new expert decision or learning processes, cultural change and accelerated innovation." - Max Dumais.
Max gives an excellent intro, so I won't re-hash a description here.
Apparently it is good for brainstorming, and also collecting the input from multiple break-out groups.
In our view, it would be great to help participants feel really involved in proceedings, and also allow shy folk get their voice heard.
CPCR are offering to bring their kit and expertise to a conference near you, for a fee.
n.b. It's not the same as the Backchannel, as described: