-- Business blog now available --

A quick note to say that I've set up my Business blog, to be able to speak with a clear voice on both personal and work issues (i.e. by having separate blogs).

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Template under Construction

DC Under Construction Series - DC USA Retail Complex in Columbia Heights

Photo by Otavio_DC

Quick head's up to say that I'm editing the Blogger template which makes Wellbanked look nice -- ostensibly to sort out the Disqus commenting function.

At the moment the functionality seems to appear twice for those commenting, which isn't good.

Hopefully I should have this sorted in a couple of days. I have / intend to:
  • Saved the existing template to my PC
  • I have saved the titles and contents for the various widgets in my Google Notebook
    • Gives me a backup of the widgets :-)
  • I've checked the underlying code for analytics tools like Google Analytics, AmungUs etc. that I've put in over time
  • Revert to original template - Blogger functionality
    • Save it
  • Put original template through the Disqus template integration process
  • Restore widgets as appropriate / as needed
  • Put in a widget from Twittercounter
  • Put in a widget from MyBlogLog
  • Pick up on a number of dormant draft posts and publish them!
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